Welcome to Hanson's Hideaway Farm!
Hi there! We are Farmer Jon and Amanda Hanson.
We are located in Amboy, Washington; just 45 minutes north of Portland, Oregon. We started our small herd of ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf goats in 2015. In 2019, we added a few dairy sheep to our herd.
We specialize in raising quality registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats with an emphasis on heavy milk production, correct conformation, and friendly dispositions. We participate in ADGA linear appraisals, milk tests and shows.
Our main focus as a farm is using sustainable, holistic management for our herd. We grow our own organic produce and raise dairy goats and sheep to provide milk, cheese, soaps and lotions for our family.
Member of:
Our goat and sheep herd annually test negative.
Click Here for results.
Champion Goats in Our Herd
SGCH Gladie Acres CC Reeses 3*M
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Elite Doe
2021 Breed Leader #3 Butterfat
GCH Hanson Hideaway BV
Candy 4*M
2023 National Champion & Best Udder
GCH Hansons Hideaway Farm AlmndJoy 2*M
GCH Hanson Hideaway MM
Fun Dip 4*M
GCH Hanson Hideaway BV PayDay 3*M
GCH Hanson Hideaway B'Uddercream 3*M
GCH Cedar View Xantara 4*M

GCH Hanson Hideaway MM Sno-Caps 2*M
GCH Cedar View Benvenuto +*B
+VV 83
CH Hanson Hideaway BV Marshmallow *B
VEE 90
CH Cedar View Hudson *B
2023 ADGA Spotlight Sale Doe
We are grateful to have been selected by ADGA to consign a doeling for the ADGA Spotlight Sale held during the
2023 ADGA Annual Convention on Saturday, October 21, 2023
at the Marriot, Southern Hills in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Hanson Hideaway Reeses Take 5
Reeses Take 5 is a full sister to GCH Hanson Hideaway MM Fun Dip 4*M VEEE 91 and maternal sister to the 2023 National Champion and Best Udder GCH Hanson Hideaway BV Candy 4*M EEEE 92.
Swisher Hill Farm - Nigerian Dwarf Goats
for your winning bid of Reeses Take 5!
2023 D7 Nigerian Dwarf Specialty Show
1st Place Dairy Herd
Left to Right:
GCH Hanson Hideaway MM FunDip 4*M VEEE 91
Hanson Hideaway Violet Crumble 4*M EEEV 90
GCH Hanson Hideaway BV Candy 4*M EEEE 92 ( 2023 National Champion )
Hanson Hideaway MM Sno-Caps VVVV 86 2xGCH, 1xBIS ( First Freshener )
1st Place Breeder's Trio
Left to Right:
GCH Hanson Hideaway BV Candy 4*M EEEE 92 ( 2023 National Champion )
Hanson Hideaway MM Sno-Caps VVVV 86 2xGCH, 1xBIS ( First Freshener )
Hanson Hideaway Violet Crumble 4*M EEEV 90
1st Place Produce of Sire
Sire of group is CH Cedar View Benvenuto +*B +VV 83
Left to Right:
GCH Hanson Hideaway BV Candy 4*M EEEE 92 ( 2023 National Champion )
Hanson Hideaway BV Dots 4*M VVVV 88 2xGCH ( owned by Johnson Family Farmstead )
Hanson Hideaway Violet Crumble 4*M EEEV 90