DOB: 04/01/2020
ADGA: D2092890
GCH Hansons Hideaway BV Candy 4*M
2023 National Champion
2023 Best Udder
Sire: GCH Cedar View Benvenuto +*B +VV83
SS: GCH J-Nels LY Cappuccino +*B EEE91
SSS: GCH Chenango-Hills Lysander ++*B EEV90
SSD: SGCH AGS J-Nels BB Dimples 1*M VEVV88
SD: SGCH Cedar View Gabriella 5*M EVEE90
SDS: Little Tots Estate Bambino ++*B
SDD: SG Cori's Fancy N Delmina 3*M VEEV88
Dam: SGCH Gladie Acres CC Reeses 3*M VEEE 90 Elite
2021 ADGA Top 10 Breed Leader #3 Butterfat
DS : Gladdie Acres MTB Cash Cow VVV87
DSS: GCH Copper Penny MTB Money To Burn +B ++E84
DSD: SGCH Pholia Farm HB Fraulin 3*M VEEV90
DD: SG Gladdie Acres FO Take A Chance 2*M +EVE88 Elite Doe
DDS: SGCH Lukalah Farm Tiger Lily 1*M VEEE91 Elite Doe
DDD: Purple Camas Farm Fabio +B EEE91
Finished Grand Champion as a 2 year old First Freshener
07/02/2022 Barn in the USA, Stevenson, Washington: Grand Champion (1st leg) out of 70 senior competitors
07/29/2022 Cowlitz County Fair, Longview, Washington: Grand Champion (2nd leg)
08/12/2022 Clark County Fair, Ridgefield, Washington; Grand Champion (3rd leg)
07/19/2023 Redmond, Oregon: National Champion, Best Udder, Senior Grand Champion, 1st Place 3 year old
Linear Appraisal
2023 - EEEE 92
Kidding History
03/18/2022 Quads - 2 does, 2 bucks bred to Old Mountain Farm All About It
04/13/2023 Quads - 1 doe, 3 bucks bred to GardenViewFarm CCGA Bruno *B
2023 2nd Freshening Photos


Milk Records
1st (2022) = 305 days in milk / 872 lbs milk / 68 lbs butterfat / 40 lbs protein
1st (2022) = 318 days in milk / 893 lbs milk / 70 lbs butterfat / 42 lbs protein
2nd (2023) = 259 days in milk / 1,025 lbs milk / 79 lbs butterfat / 45 lbs protein
3rd (2024) = 60 days in milk / 324 lbs milk / 21 lbs butterfat / 13 lbs protein

2022 First Freshener Photos

2021 Yearling Photos