DOB: 04/14/2018
ADGA: D1934494
Height: 22"
GCH Hanson Hideaway BV PayDay 3*M
Sire: CH Cedar View Benvenuto +*B +VV 83
SS: GCH J-Nels LY Cappuccino +*B EEE91
SSS: GCH Chenango-Hills Lysander ++*B EEV90
SSD: SGCH J-Nels BB Dimples 1*M VEVV88
SD: SGCH Cedar View Gabriella 5*M EVEE90
SDS: Little Tots Estate Bambino ++*B
SDD: SG Cori's Fancy N Delmina 3*M VEEV88
Dam: Caprikodas ST Cookies 2*M EEEV 90
DS: Caprikodas REM Sir Titus VVE 85
DSS: Camanna Remington EEE90
DSD: Phantasma ZT Selene VVE+ 88
DD: The RD Milky Way 1*M VEEE 90
DDS: AGS Camanna TD Celeste
DDD: AGS MotherEarthsFarm RiverDancer
Finished her permanent Champion as a 3-year old 2nd freshener
05/18/2019 SWWDGA, Chehalis, Washington: Junior Grand Champion (1st leg) out of 51 competitors and Best in Show
out of 103 competitors
05/22/2021 SWWDGA, Enumclaw, Washington: Grand Champion (2nd leg) and Reserve Champion out of 118 senior does
05/29/2021 ISDGA, Boise, Idaho: Reserve Champion* (3rd leg) out of 66 senior does.
*Grand Champion winner was already a permanent GCH
Linear Appraisal
2021 VAEE 87
Milk Records
1st (2020) = 204 days in milk / 763 lbs milk / 51 lbs butterfat / 32 lbs protein
2nd (2021) = 305 days in milk / 1,204 lbs milk / 90 lbs butterfat / 56 lbs protein
2nd (2021) = 334 days in milk / 1,294 lbs milk / 96 lbs butterfat / 60 lbs protein
3rd (2022) = 284 days in milk / 1,037 lbs milk / 83 lbs butterfat / 50 lbs protein
4th (2023) = dried off due to c-section
Lactation 1

Lactation 2

Lactation 3

Kidding History
2020 Triplets - 3 bucks bred to Sycamore SS MG Gambit +*B
2021 Quints - 2 does, 3 bucks bred to Old Mountain Farm All About It
2022 Quads - 3 does, 1 buck bred to Hanson Hideaway Jokerz *B
2021 2nd Freshening

2020 First Freshening

2019 Yearling Photo

05/18/2019 SWDGA, Chehalis, WA : Junior Grand Champion out of 51 competitors and Best in Show out of 103 competitors